Ubergraph 0.8.1
Released under the Eclipse Public License
Feature-loaded graph implementation.
To install, add the following dependency to your project or build file:
[ubergraph "0.8.1"]
Contains algorithms that operate on Ubergraphs, and all the functions associated with paths
Public variables and functions:
- *auto-bellman-ford*
- all-destinations
- bellman-ford
- bf-span
- bf-traverse
- bipartite-color
- bipartite-sets
- bipartite?
- coloring?
- connect
- connected-components
- connected?
- cost-of-path
- dag?
- degeneracy-ordering
- distinct-edges
- edges-in-path
- end-of-path
- greedy-coloring
- last-edge-of-path
- loners
- longest-shortest-path
- maximal-cliques
- nodes-in-path
- path-to
- paths->graph
- post-traverse
- pprint-path
- pre-span
- pre-traverse
- scc
- shortest-path
- start-of-path
- strongly-connected?
- topsort
Public variables and functions:
- add-attr
- add-attrs
- add-directed-edges
- add-directed-edges*
- add-edges
- add-edges*
- add-nodes
- add-nodes*
- add-nodes-with-attrs
- add-nodes-with-attrs*
- add-undirected-edges
- add-undirected-edges*
- allow-parallel-edges?
- attr
- attrs
- build-graph
- count-edges
- count-nodes
- count-unique-edges
- dest
- digraph
- directed-edge?
- edge-description->edge
- edge-with-attrs
- edge?
- edges
- edn->ubergraph
- escape-label
- find-edge
- find-edges
- graph
- has-edge?
- has-node?
- in-degree
- in-edges
- mirror-edge?
- multidigraph
- multigraph
- neighbors
- node-with-attrs
- nodes
- other-direction
- out-degree
- out-edges
- pprint
- predecessors
- predecessors*
- remove-all
- remove-attr
- remove-attrs
- remove-edges
- remove-edges*
- remove-nodes
- remove-nodes*
- set-attrs
- src
- successors
- successors*
- transpose
- ubergraph
- ubergraph->edn
- ubergraph?
- undirected-edge?
- undirected-graph?
- viz-graph
- weight
- weight*